Friday, October 30, 2015

Feeling Overwhelmed

Peaceful Fall | photo via pinterest

With the Holidays around the corner and the kids School schedules in full swing, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Don't get me wrong... busy is good, overwhelmed (not so good). So, I decided I needed to do something about this. Here are five (5) steps to get back on track... Don't let YOU overwhelm YOU.

Take the "overwhelm" out of your head and put it on a piece of paper, where you can distance yourself from it. Write down every task you can think of that you are worried about.

Once you've done step one (capture it)... group your tasks into larger chunks. For example-
Family, Kids, Career, Spouse, Health.

Your feelings of being overwhelmed don't spring from having too much on your plate, but from having too little of what strengthen you. Don't be drown out by everything else. So, look at your chunks and prioritze your to-dos based on what makes you feel strong. Do these first and celebrate them once you have accomplished them.

Action is the antidote of feeling overwhelmed. Often its NOT the activities themselves that stress you out but worrying about the activities. Just Begin... The simple act of beginning releases stress.

Focus on the task in hand... Think about what you are doing rather than what you are not getting done. Worry and Time- the more you have one, the less you have the other.

I hope this helps you get a grasp on a very small portion of life... It has helped me- Stay focused and live life to it's fulliest. Redirect your overwhelm, look forward to the wonderful Hoilday season.
Hope you have a great weekend! Stay Safe-

Thursday, October 29, 2015


Balloons | photo via tomkat studio

Cake Plates | photo via tomkat studio

I'm so excited to share the PARTY with you! My sweet friend Kim, from TomKat Studio- has been working really hard behind the scenes and "tomorrow" is her BIG reveal! Go to TomKat Studio and sign up for her email to be one of the first to know the news! I can't even stand it, I'm so excited for her, I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight! Heehee, Happy Thursday! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Ghost Treats

S'Mores | photo via bloom designs
Ghost Cupcakes | photo via the cupcake daily 
Ghost Treat Bags | photo via craft o maniac

Obsessing over these "SWEET" treats for a Halloween party! I am loving the Ghosties... These ideas are super easy for entertaining. Your telling your friends you thought of them and added a little extra touch to your festive party! Whether your party is large or small, these party treats are a perfect fit of either. They would also make a FUN Hostess gift if you are going to a Halloween party. Get ready for your SPOOKY day... Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Details of Pumpkin Carving

Lettered Pumpkins | photo via parents magazine
Drilled Pumpkins | photo via martha stewart
Traditional Pumpkin Faces | photo via travel shopa

Carving pumpkins wasn't on my to-do list this year... Until, I saw these adorable styled pumpkins on Pinterest. I'm loving the dotted pumpkins that just let the light shine through. To get this FUN look, you take a drill and different drill bits from the garage work bench, hollow out your pumpkin as you would normally do. Decide on design... Small holes or large holes. You can even do a combination of both. Make sure your drill bit is secure in the drill, then start drilling out your holes. You can add a candle or if you have an outlet close to where you are displaying your pumpkins add a string of Christmas lights piled inside. The bottom photo is what my pumpkins typically look like every year... this is my "go to" look when all else fells. Hope this helps with pumpkin carving ideas for this year? 

Monday, October 26, 2015

Host a Halloween Party

Great Ideas for Hosting a Halloween Party

Bat | Cake Stand similar | Plates | Candle

Bat Gummies | Rock Candy | Halloween Stick Candy | Lollipop 

Fringe Garland | Cake Plate | Party Cups | Balloons 

Are you hosting a Halloween party? Don't be SCARED to decorate... Here are a few really cute ideas! I'm completely obsessed with Orange, Black and White. Purples and Greens are popular as well however, I prefer the classic colors. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 25, 2015


Photo via August Ink 
Photo via August Ink 
Photo via August Ink 
Photo via Johnston Style

Isn't this the most adorable Halloween Tee? I just love it! My friend over at TomKat Studio sells this sweet "boo" TEE in her store. She also sells a cute "boo" PILLOW as well as a practical "boo" TOTE for trick or treating. I think this is perfect for Mama's trying to celebrate the Holiday. I'm not exactly sure what I'm wearing with mine, but I can assure you it will have Orange, White and Black with it. Hope you have a FUN week preparing for your upcoming Halloween Celebration!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Inspired Retreat

Lodge Entrance 

Welcome Sign 

My Cabin 

My Roommate and My Bed 


Southern Rockers 

Sweet Porch Swings 

Sorry, I haven't posted for a couple days- I have been out of town in Nashville. I'm happy to be home but the last couple of days I've been running around like a crazy lady (welcome home, right?) A week ago, I went to this AMAZING womens retreat called Inspired Retreat hosted by Amber Housley. Evins Mill was where the retreat was being held, nestled in the woods in a town called Smithville which is located right outside of Nashville, Tennessee. I attended the same conference last September and was so looking forward to returning this year. Last year, I was overwhelmed trying to adsorb all the information that was presented. This year, knowing what I knew from the year prior. I was able to enjoy- take notes, make friends and reflect after the conference was over. This Retreat is so much more than learning how to run and operate your business. The speakers are hands on and really some of the most brillant women I know. I am truely blessed to be surrounded by these amazing women and humbled to call them my friends. The best is yet to come... Stayed tuned, I'll share more of this Retreat coming real soon!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Pink-O-Ween Dinner Party

Stripe Plate | Pink Napkin 

Favors For Your Friends

Eeeeekk! Isn't this the cutest... Talented and amazing Courtney over at Pizzazzerie styled and designed this beautiful Tablescape. Her original Pink-O-Ween Dinner Party was a party to beneift the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Courtney's Grandmother & Mother-in-law are both breast cancer survivors. This was a cause very near and dear to her heart. She decided since October is breast cancer awareness month- she would update and restyle this sweet design. Photos via pizzazzerie- To check out Courtney's post and see her ideas click HERE. All the links on Johnston Style are my own opinions, which I think would also be super cute with this FUN Style. I love adding colors, textures, ribbons and patterns when designing tablescapes- Have fun with your table, and get styling!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Fall Photo Shoot

I'm super excited to share with you these wonderful BEHIND THE SCENES phoots from Ellie's Fall photo shoot last week! Elena from My Everlasting Images captured the most amzing pictures. We had beautiful weather, and can I just say Ellie was GORGEOUS! Happy Fall Y'all-

Monday, October 19, 2015

The History Of Brunching

I Love Brunching! Photo via food craft espresso

I can safely say that it’s a city crazy about brunch. On weekend days, especially Sundays, people all over town go out for eggs, pancakes, and sandwiches. People who normally would never wait for a table at a restaurant shiver in the cold for an hour at the most happening spots. Even the most dingy, unspectacular pubs open up on Sunday mornings to serve scrambled eggs to bleary-eyed hipsters. Brunch can be a group affair with parents and friends, or even just a quiet breakfast between roommates where you re-hash the events of Saturday night.
The word “brunch” is obviously made from the words “breakfast” and “lunch.” It’s served midday and combines the best sweet and savory elements of both of these meals. It’s the most common way to celebrate Easter and Mother’s Day, and has even become an important element of wedding and family celebrations. As popular as it is, it’s easy to wonder how this mish-mash middle meal ever came to be.
The origins of brunch aren’t exactly clear. We do know, however, that on Sundays, it was common among Christians to have a large post-church meal. Catholics require fasting before mass, so after leaving their place of worship, many people ate a large celebratory meal combining breakfast and lunch. Some churches even hosted the meals right on the premises. We also know that during much of Western history, the Sunday midday meal was the largest meal of the day, followed in the early evening by a smaller supper.

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Perfect Braid

I absolutely LOVE these braids... Amber styles her hair so beautifully! They are super easy and she explains the process so clearly! Check out Amber's BLOG... Barefoot Blonde. I love braiding my hair, it adds such a different element to your style. You can wear styled braids with sweats and or wear them with a cocktail dress. Get your bobby pins and hair ties out and get ready to wear your hair up for the HOLIDAYS- Practice makes prefect! TGIF... Happy Friday, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I'm heading to Nashville, TN. I can hardly wait... Love to Y'ALL

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fall Essentials

1. Skinny Jeans (Super cute with booties or tall boots)

2. Initial Necklace (I love this classic necklace, adds a personal touch)

3. Gold Watch (I have... and this Michael Kors watch is a MUST have)

4. Plaid Scarf (Love this color combo)

5. Clutch (Obsessed with this adorable spotted clutch)

6. Sweater (Love this v-neck long sleeved sweater, perfect for Fall)

7. Fur Vest (Every outfit needs a Fur Vest... especailly in PINK. Great for Fall evenings)

8. Sungalsses (Loving these super cute sunnies- On my wish List) 

9. Booties (These are the best booties... I have in green- now loving this color too) 

Happy Wednesday sweet friends! I wanted to share with you this amazing SALE at Shopbop. I'm loving scarves right now... I'm finding out you can never have too many. Scarves add such a FUN element to any outfit! I hope you had a GREAT day! Almost the weekend... 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Pumpkin Patch

Last Saturday, the kids and I ventured off and went to the Pumpkin Patch! Lee's Farms- It's our favorite! We met some friends there and had a wonderful time. The weather on the other hand didn't look so good... but we still were able to get most of our amazing photos in BEFORE the sky went black and a HUGE rain storm arrived! Eeeeeek! Jason and I have been taking the kids to the Pumpkin Patches since they were babies. We've gone on fieldtrips to the Pumpkin Patches and to be honest I'm hoping this tradition NEVER ends. Our kids just LOVE it... Watching them running from one pumpkin to the next is super sweet, I don't ever want to forget that. Lee's Farm is a Family own and operated Farm. They have goats, horses, pigs, chickens, cows. They give hayrides, and have a corn maze. Lee's Farms also has an adorable gift shop with a bakery. They have homemade pies, fresh fruit, gifts, apples, and much more. I have to say my all time favorite is their Pumpkin and Apple Cider DONUTS! I seriously wait ALL year just for these donuts! Take time and mosey on over to your local Pumpkin Patch... Enjoy the season! Happy Tuesday-

Monday, October 12, 2015

Halloween Party

Decorate Your Table Today
Halloween Balloons
Party Picks | Straws | Cake Stand | Napkins 
Cake Topper | Party Bags | Halloween Sign | Popcorn Boxes
Halloween is right around the corner, celebrate and have a PARTY! I love this super cute party idea from Swoozie's. I love the Cake Topper all the way to the Skeleton Straws- this simply adorable party is style beautifully. Don't forget to add design, texture and color to your party... Start planning today!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Think Pink

Sunglasses | Handbag | Coat | Mixer | Watch | Rainboots 

October is BREAST CANCER AWARENESS month, which is an annual campaign to increase awareness of the disease. While most people are aware of breast cancer, many forget to take the steps to have a plan to detect the disease in its early stages and encourage others to do the same. We have made a lot of progress but still have a long way to go and need your help! Take care of yourself... Early detection is the key! This October- Think PINK! 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Ducks Meet Buffalos

Last weekend, Jason and I went to Boulder, Colorado for the Ducks Football game! We went with a group of friends... Before the game, we went to a HUGE tailgate party -right in the center of the campus. This tailgate had a Hawaiian Tiki Bar and a ICED Buffalo head where you could take shots (oh my) I loved the set up... you could watch TV if you wanted to follow other college games that were playing before our game- which pretty much was EVERY college game! Our game was suppose to start at 8pm MT. But, there was a "Thunder" delay... Making the game delayed for about one hour and fifteen minutes! UGH... the first quarter didn't look so good... then the second quarter was just down right ugly! After half time, I'm pretty sure the coach had a nice little chat with the team and whatever he said seemed to work... Ducks WON 41-24!


design + development by kelly christine studio