Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Reclaimed Wood

Loving this WALL! My friends Husband created this amazing staircase wall with reclaimed wood. I think it turned out just beautifully. Way to go CHRIS!... He found this wonderful Lumber Mill in Sandy, Oregon called Olaf M. Oja Lumber Co. Olaf's has been in business for 61 years! They remanufacture lumber by resawing and planing, and sell dinmensional lumber of Cedar, Pine, Douglas Fir, pressure treated materials also items for decks, fencing and plywood. I love home grown farming companies like this one. It has a special place in my heart. Jason's Grandfather was a Farmer and owned a Logging Company in Birkenfeld, Oregon. I loved him as if he was my own. I would love to take a fieldtrip out to Olaf's. Hmmm... What can I create with reclaimed wood? Enjoy the rest of your week... We are halfway to the weekend! 

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tailgating Season

 @ Levi Stadium in California 
Tablecloth | White Cup | Napkins | Green Cup 

Earrings | Straws | Game Day Dress | Handbag | Gumballs | Boots 

Headed out of town this weekend to Boulder, Colorado! Road trip (flying) to watch the DUCKS. My Husband graduated from University of Oregon. We are BIG Fans- Every year he travels with his friends (Fraternity Brothers) to away games. Within the last five years, they decided to make one road trip with the wives! Last year was San Francisco, we had such a FUN time- this year it's Colorado! Whoo-hoo I'm super excited. I've never been to Colorado... Packing now and I have no idea what to wear. Weather forecast is kinda crazy, sunny, thunder, rain! Eeeeeek- Definitely layers. Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @JohnstonStyle for updated posts. Happy Tuesday! "GO DUCKS!" 

Monday, September 28, 2015

Bedroom Design

 Quotes similiar HERE 

Stenciled Wall | Chair | Desk | Pillow 

PB Teen similar Lamp | Lamp shade | Letter "E" 

DresserPerfume Tray 

Head Board | Gold Pillows 

Finally, after a long process... Ellie and I finished her room! Ellie wanted a WHITE & GOLD room. This is what we came up with- I painted one of her walls solid Gold. Then, I stenciled another of her walls with a Moroccan pattern. Can I tell you... this is what was time consuming. (ugh!) But so worth it. I think this wall took me over ten hours to paint- Then, we started to pull all the accessories together. Finding White & Gold where ever we went. Ellie also got a new desk and dresser to give her more space to store her treasures. I found her all white bedding at Target. She has a touch of chocolate brown in her headboard, lamp shades & large pillows which I love. Ellie really loves to redecorate and come up with design challenges. She is very good at knowing exactly what she wants and likes! I have to say... Job well done! What's next? You'll have to wait and see... Happy Monday Friends!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Front Porch Fall Decor

Lantern | Pumpkins other style HERE 

Adirondack | Chervon Pillow 

Halloween Sign | other style HERE
Halloween Pillow | Orange Pillow 

Happy Fall Y'all... My front porch is FINISHED! The only thing left to add are pumpkins from the pumpkin patch. I'll be out of town on October first- but as soon as I'm home, it's straight to the pumpkin patch with my kids. I can hardly wait. We have been going to the same pumpkin patch for a few years now and the kids just love it! I love my chrysanthemums (mums) I found mine at Rite Aid of all places. They were big and had the best shade of colors. I'm excited about how everything turned out... the pillows, the sunflowers, the Halloween signs. I hope sharing my front porch gives you inspiration to dress up yours for the Fall. Whoo-Hoo It's Friday... Celebrate!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Style Up Tabletop

Classic Harvest TableScape
Dinnerware (clearanced) similiar HERE | Napkins | Hobnail Stemware 

I love this season, I start getting excited to set my tables. Why do we wait for a special event to set our table? I adore this Classic Harvest Tablescape. This would be super cute for an everyday Fall dinner. Classic dinnerware with a pop of color on the napkin and stemware to die for... I can't get over how amazing these Hobnail glasses are! (emoji heart eyes) The center pieces are super sweet and really simple to make. Pomegrante and leaves- The colors in the pomegrantes are a perfect compliment to the napkins. Sometimes simple and classic are the way to go! Style Up your Tabletop...

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Casual Fall Outfit

Fedora | Jeans | Shirt similar HERE & HERE | Handbag similar HERE & HERE | Wedges 
I am excited to share with you my very first Style Board! I love the look of a complete outfit styled FLAT. It's visuality appealing to me and I hope you all enjoy it as well?... I'm in love with the color Merlot for Fall and I couldn't resist styling this awesome color with Navy. Happy first day of FALL!  Please let me know how you liked my Style Board. I can't wait to share more... Thank you for coming back and reading. I truly appreciate your love! 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Apple Orchard

Dying over these adorable pictures of Blakely at the Apple Orchard! Isn't she the cutest EVER? Her Mama Courtney is the amazing Lady behind Pizzazzerie. I feel Blakely's love for all thing "Apples." Ellie use to eat apples just like this when she was little.  Apple Cider and the Fall crisp air brings me joy especially this time of year... I'm completely obsessed with yummy apple cider donuts. We have a local Pumpkin Patch that makes these delicious treats every Fall. I haven't gone yet this year, but can hardly wait! If your Pumpkin Patch doesn't sell these donuts... You're in Luck, I found an alternate- HERE. Enjoy Life! Live, Laugh, Love. 

photos via pizzazzerie

Monday, September 21, 2015

Spice It Up

I fell in love with these adorable Glass Spice Jars! They have the charm of old-fashion dairy bottles, this clear spice jar has a tight-sealing lid that pops on top. When I found these jars, I knew I was in deep need of cleaning out my spice cabinet! I had so many spices... it was a little crazy. Some just needed to be tossed and others needed to be consolidated. With my NEW jars... I was able to do just that! I haven't decided if I want to add labels or not. I found some cute designs on Pinterest. All I know is- I'm one Happy Mama! I love organizing and cleaning cupboards, feels great to have one down! Happy Monday... I hope you had a nice weekend!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Fall Stella and Dot

1) Scarf

Happy Thursday! I'm really excited to share with you my favorite picks from Stella and Dot's Fall Collection. Number three and four aren't NEW but still some of my favorite pieces I own! (classics) My favorite necklace is this amazing 7 in 1 Plume Necklace. You can wear this piece 7 different ways. The scarf is perfect to throw on as your heading out the door this Fall. Loving the colors... The zip wallet can be carried by itself as a clutch or tossed into a larger handbag as a wallet. Love the tassel zip... My very favorite Stella and Dot piece is this adorable cocktail ring... number 8! I love GOLD and this ring is such a beautiful color. It would be stunning for Fall and can transition right through the Holidays! I'm ordering mine RIGHT NOW, then off and running a few errands. Have a wonderful Day! 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Dating Styles

Calvin Harris : SEXY
Joe Jonas : SWEET  | Taylor Lautner : SWEATSHIRT & JEANS
John Mayer : COOL CAT
Jake Gyllenhaal : BEANIE & PLAID 
Conor Kennedy : FEMININE 

Let me start off by saying... "I love Taylor Swift" I'm totally on her SQUAD! Pop Sugar posted an article about her evolving Dating Styles. I loved it so much, I wanted to share my favorite looks with you! Taylor's dating style changes with the boy she dates and I love it! SEXY was when Taylor rocked her jumpsuit at the Billboard Music Awards. Calvin Harris brought out her confidence! Joe Jonas brought out Taylor's SWEET style. Taylor Lautner was all about SWEATSHIRT & JEANS. Taylor's style while dating John Mayer was a COOL CAT, ya- I'm dating an older guy. (not my favorite boyfriend or style) Jake Gyllenhaal brought out Taylor's grunge style with the BEANIE & PLAID look. Last, but not least... Hanging with Conor Kennedy, Taylor had an All American Classic style- FEMININE. So, pretty much... she dates cute boys and has great style! Keep it up GIRL- Rock your style whatever it may be, that's what Fashion is all about! Happy Wednesday...

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fall MakeUp

LIPS | photo via pinterest
SMOKEY EYE | photo via harpers bazaar
SPIDER LASHES | photo via harpers bazaar
FALL SHADOW | photo via pinterest 

It's that time of year -change up your makeup routine... I'm loving the natural face with a touch of drama! Plum color is all the rage for Fall! I love this LIP color. I'm also loving the smudged SMOKEY EYE especially with a nude lip and soft face. Not so sure about the SPIDER LASHES but they are super trendy for Fall. I'm sure in this photo they used false lashes but I will share with you my very favorite mascara HERE. One of the very last looks I'm digging is the FALL SHADOW... I love the copper color LINER then they blended in the shadow with a blending BRUSH. Try one or all of these fun new looks, just NOT all together! (heehee) I'm excited for tomorrow... I'm getting my hair colored! No big change- just gettin' freshened up. Hope you had a great day!

Monday, September 14, 2015

White After Labor Day

Earrings | Sweater (similar HERE) | Jeans | Sunglasses (similar HERE)
  Heels | Handbag (similar HERE
Back in the early nineteen hundreds- the Summer was bracketed by Memorial Day and Labor Day. Society flocked in hundreds from town house to seaside "cottage" or mountain "cabin" to escape the heat. City clothes were left behind for lighter, whiter summer clothes. Come Fall... when everyone would return to the City, summer clothes were put away and more formal clothes came out for the Holidays. Suddenly, it became "NO WHITE after Labor Day" and it stuck! Of course you can wear WHITE after Labor Day says Emily Post. She says it makes perfect sense if you're in warmer climates. Even in the dead of Winter in Northern New England, it's fashionable to wear white wools, cashmeres and down parkas. Don't be shy about rockin' your whites after Labor Day! 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Fall Workout Routine

Bra | Running Shoes | Leggings
Out For A Run
Sweatshirt | Running Shoes | Leggings

Now the kids are back in school and the weather is starting to shift to cooler weather. I'm switching up my workout routine. During the Summer, I usually head outside for my workouts... running, walking, swimming, golfing. During the Fall, I always head back to the gym! I love attending organized workout classes at our local gym. Zumba is one of my absolute favorite classes to attend. I go Tuesday's and Thursday's and occasionally on the weekend. Another class I like attending is called CX Works this is a thirty minute abs class and I go on Monday's and Wednesday's. On Friday's I still run with my running partner, we've been working out together since Evan was in early years of Elementary School. My goal is to workout five days a week. I really try to make this a priority. I feel much better after I workout and it gives me energy throughout the day. But like everything else, life happens and sometimes I can't make a class... and that's OK! If you don't have a routine? That's alright... Start NOW! I love the workout clothes and this is another great reason to workout. Look great, feel great...  Here are a few of the pieces I have. Hope you have a wonderful week!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Transition To Fall

1 Vest | 2 Booties | 3 Clutch | 4 Lipstick | 5 Eyeshadow | 6 Nail Polish    

As Summer season begins to shift, so does my wardrobe. Transitioning from Summer to Fall, I love to use pieces I already own and mix them with new pieces to create a fresh updated look. I bought this Military style Vest and I love that it is long... I'm excited to pair it with jeans or even my Zella legging. I definitely believe every closet should have booties... These are a great transition piece. Booties are super adorable with sundresses in the Summer and leggings heading into Fall. Booties keep your feet warm and dry from those unexpected rainy days. I also love a pop of Leopard print I especially love it when its paired with a bright Summer color! (Hot Pink) This time of year my nail polish and makeup colors change. I start shifting to warmer colors and more tones that you'd see around town, like leaves and tree colors. I hope you have FUN as you add to your Fall wardrobe.  Happy Thursday! 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Back To School

Today, my sweet Friend Hosted a Back to School Brunch for us Mama's... I've been attending this FUN event for the last 10 years. Oh my word... where has time gone? I can't believe Ellie is in her Junior year in Highschool and Evan is a Sophomore. Seriously, I feel like my kids are still in First and Second Grade. I have enjoyed each and every year that they have grown. It seems as parents the older we get the less we see our friends. So when we have an event like this, all us Moms get caught up on everyones summers events and details about other siblings leaving for college. I had such a nice time. Thanks for keeping the tradition alive. I hope everyones kids are settling into their school routines. "Stay strong and carry on!" Thanks for reading... 

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Simplified Planner

Tomorrow morning is the BIG day! Don't forget to set your alarm and make sure you order one of these amazing planners. At Emily Ley... 10am (EST) Which Simplified Planner fits your personality? Gold Pineapple, Dotted or Happy Stripe? I've finally narrow it down to.... Drum roll please... Happy Stripe! I'm obsessed with Gold Pineapples however, this is my very first Simplified Planner and it feels like I have to go traditional and go "Happy Stripe" I'm not sure if I'll be able to sleep tonight! I'm so excited... Happy Tuesday!  


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