Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Makeup Contouring

Fresh Face Makeup by: Divine Complexions

Contour Palette

Tarte Lips

Ok, so many of you know Ellie loves makeup! Tarte Makeup is her newest find... My sweet friend Arianne, told Ellie about Tarte at a Christmas Party. Ellie being the makeup lover she is... had to order right away! Ellie is completely obsessed with Tartes contouring palette. She highly recommends this product. I'm so excited for Ellie as she is starting a new job with a makeup stylist and I think this will be a great fit for her and can hardly wait to see what she accomplishes! Today, I'm in Arizona for the BASH Conference that starts tomorrow. I can't wait to share with you all the FUN details, stay tuned... Happy Wednesday- Good Luck if you purchased a Powerball ticket!

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  1. I love Tarte! I got a few of their products over Christmas and really like them. Need to try their lip line.

    1. Yeah! You will LOVE it... They have amazing colors, have fun and Happy New Year!!

  2. I was also one of those who decided to buy Powerball tickets for that draw. Mine entries won just 7 bucks, not even enough to cover the expenses. Hope you were luckier. Carry on!



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