Thursday, January 28, 2016

Creative Chics

Shop North Detail 
Coffee from Fortezza 
Make It Happen Powersheets
Creative Chics Portland

I am so excited for my Creative Chics coffee and collaboration 2016 kick-off tomorrow morning!! Last October, I was selected to be the Portland Hostess for Creative Chics. I was beyond shocked and super honored to be chosen to be part of such an amazing group of women. Creative Chics is a community of women creative entrepreneurs that empower and encourage each other through sharing advice, contacts, experiences and resources. We believe everyone has a unique story which allows room for everyone to be successful. We host events in many Cities across the United States. Check out Creative Chics to see if there is one located in your City! Creative Chics Portland meets once a month, we are already booking for the end of Feburary... If you're Local, please come join us!

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