Monday, February 29, 2016

The Oscars

Best Dressed
Sweetest Baby Bump
Plunged Neckline

Ok, I've been super busy on the computer entering all my amazing products for my online boutique. However, never too busy to miss one of my favorite nights EVER! The Oscars... Last night I watched, and wasn't disappointed! I'm obsessed with the fashion and I just LOVE the Red Carpet before the awards. My "BEST DRESSED" award goes to... Alicia Vikander- I loved her billowing bubbled hemmed Yellow dress... Gorgeous! I want to wear this in my Kitchen. Congrats Alicia on the WIN for Best Supporting Actress! I was also rooting for Leo in Best Actor! YEAH.... Oscar for you... and an Oscar for you!
Sketches by Brittany Fuson, Fashion Illustrator

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