Monday, August 3, 2015

The TomKat Studio

Front Counter

Party Supply Section 
Gifts  | Pillows
Bracelets | Phone Cases
Meeting Room

Hello Friends... I'm BACK! I'm so sorry I went off the grid for a few days- I have been super busy traveling. I've been gone for the last two weeks. Some of you may know I went to Arizona if you follow me on Instagram (@Johnstonstyle) I attended an Instagram Camp! It was such a BLAST!! After I flew home from AZ. Jason and I took the kids to SunRiver for a week and ended our super fun vacation with a long weekend at my Parents home in Bend, OR. YEAH!!!! While I was in Arizona.. I had to stop into one of my very favorite Brick and Mortar store. The TomKat Studio- This store is the cutest store around! It's everything PARTY, as well as everything GIRLY... I was seriously in Heaven... Read more about my sweet Friend Kim HERE! Thank you for such a wonderful Day- I can hardy wait until I get to go back... Eeeeekk!  

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