Saturday, January 17, 2015

Dallas Texas

Nicole Kwon | Flirt | Kendra Scott | L. Barlett 
Y.O. Steakhouse | Smoke | Palomino | Meso Maya
Rosewood Crescent Hotel | Perot Museum | JFK Museum | GeO-Deck 
What a FUN trip! I don't usually post on the weekend, but I was to excited to share with you some of our last photos of Texas. While in Dallas, there were a few places that were absolute must sees... {1} being The Kendra Scott Jewelry Store. You can buy some of her earrings and a few other pieces in Nordstrom but I needed to see the real deal. {2} We ate at the most amazing restaurants, my very favorite was Meso Maya. This was a Tex Mex restaurant with the freshest food. If you are ever in Dallas it's a must do. {3} We ventured off to some museums and I have to say my very favorite was The Sixth Floor Museum... honoring John F. Kennedy. Dallas is so big and there is so much to see... We had a great vacation and would love to go back. I'm home for a few days I'm getting ready to leave on Wednesday for Salt Lake City, Utah. I will be attending Alt Summit a Blogger Conference. (Yeah!) I can hardly wait. Have a great rest of your weekend!

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