Saturday, August 30, 2014

Labor Day Sales

Here is a small list of sales going on this weekend: 

Baublebar: Selected jewelry starting at 50% off

C. Wonder: 30% off full-priced items

GiGi New York: Free Shipping and free personalization

J Crew: 40% off all final sale items and free shipping on all orders over $100

Kendra Scott: 15% off and free shipping with this code 2014LDW

Old Navy: 40% off in stores and online 

Sephora: Up to 70% off summer makeup favorites 

Shoemint: 50% off sitewide and 50% off sale items 

Have fun shopping... Come back on Monday (Labor Day) for my Nordstrom favorite picks! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @johnstonstyle for my Holiday weekend updates. 
Happy Saturday!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Labor Day Tory Burch

RING: Tory Burch | WALLET: Tory Burch | SHOES: Tory Burch | EARRINGS: Tory Burch | SATCHEL: Tory Burch | IPHONE CASE: Tory Burch | BOOTS: Tory Burch | DRESS: Tory Burch

Hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend! Here are a few of my favorite picks from Tory Burch. Great shopping weekend- take advantage of the Holiday discounts and get some NEW Fall clothes! Tory Burch is offering 20% off when you purchase $300, 25% off when you purchase $500, and 30% off when you purchase $750. Use this code LABORDAY 14. Stay tuned... More sale specials this weekend! 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wong's King

Last night we celebrated the end of the summer with twenty of our friends. Eleven adults and nine teenagers! Our dear friends own this amazing Chinese Restaurant in Portland. We ate family style. Crawl fish, Soul, Fried rice, Spiced Chicken, Fried green beans, Pecking Duck and many more yummy items. Thank you Wong Family for such a great night out! Wong's King Seafood restaurant is wonderful... Next time you are in Portland stop by- you won't be sorry! 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Dorm Room For Boys

Pottery Barn Chair
Yesterday I presented Dorm Room for Girls... Of course, today had to be part 2- Dorm Room for Boys. I love this idea of raising the bed up off the floor giving the student plenty of "hangout room" I think the chair is a great space to relax (on sale PB Teen) super cute! Another favorite pick for the Boys Room is the mini refridge... Great for Gatorades and waters! Evan will be a Freshman in High School this year, but these would be my picks this year if he was heading to College. Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dorm Room For Girls

It's that time of year to start preparing for College. Today on my blog I'm showing you some super cute picks for a girls dorm (tomorrow will be boys dorm) Ellie is going to be a sophomore in High School so I have a few years but non the less... She has some friends who are moving to College this year and it got me thinking about their dorms.  Remember, make the space "yours" be creative but also functionable. Add elements of your family home so you feel comfortable.  Best wishes to all our friends/family starting College! Thanks for reading... 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Black and White

I love my new Belle Boutique striped black and white dress... It's super comfortable and classic. I went to a summer party this weekend. We had such a fun time! I felt great in my dress! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Evan's Back to School Picks

These are Evan's Back to School Picks for Fall. Evan is very sporty and this is his style- unless golfing. He is also obsessed with Red, Black and White. These are his High School colors and have been his favorite for a few years now. He is also a Basketball shoe freak- This is a shoe love he gets from his Mama! Have Fun preparing for your kids for Back to School... We are almost there! Happy Thursday. 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Ellie's Back to School Picks

These are a few of Ellie's favorite back to School picks for the Fall. She is loving the tank tops, she usually grabs a sweater/cardigan if it gets cooler in the evening. She has cleaned out her closet. Did some rearranging in the bathroom- she is ready to Roll! Registration is this Thursday and it's hard to believe summer is ending. She has had a great summer! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Handmade S'mores

Brasada Ranches homemade S'mores are amazing! It's all in the details... These homemade marshmallows melt perfectly and the graham crackers are super flavorful! The taste is fabulous- but for me it's all about presentation... They bring the S'mores out on an adorable wood trays just like the old days. I love it!! I researched how to make the homemade graham crackers and the closest thing I found is from Brown Eyed Baker... Still working on the Marshmallow! Stay tuned... These would make super sweet gifts, even for Back to School teacher presents! Enjoy the last bit of summer... 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Brasada Ranch

The girls and I had a blast at the Ranch! We hung out at the stables... The weather was very warm but a thunder storm rolled on through. We ate yummy food at the Ranch House and relaxed at the cabin. Couldn't ask for a better day than that! Happy Monday y'all... 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Golf Tournament

We had such a fun time playing in the Clackamas Fundraiser Golf Tournament. Jason and I teamed up with some dear friends of ours Brian and Wendy. We played a great game but had more fun laughing!! Thanks guys for the eventful day! 

Friday, August 15, 2014

Joe's Donut Shop

Traveling to Eastern Oregon. Stopping off at this one of a kind donut shop is a must! Joe's donuts is located in a small town called Sandy. It's nessled at the foothills of Mt. Hood. A donut and a coffee is a necessity when your driving up and over the mountain. The cutiest sight ever when I walked in the store, a line a mile long... All Grandpa's and just getting their "one" donut. (Regulars) The cashier knew each and everyone's name and their choice of donut! I instantly adored this sweet shop even more. Enjoy your weekend! 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Fall Handbags

I love Handbags... Especially when it's time to change seasons! These are my new favorites this year for Fall. I am loving the colors and textures. Have fun shopping for your new Fall Handbag! Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

On the Lake

More photos from Hot August Nights! We had such a FUN night. I'm still obsessed with these cute mini Red cups! We are having a crazy storm day here in Portland. Thunder and lightening. Everyone stay safe and have a wonderful Tuesday! 

Monday, August 11, 2014

Hot August Nights

This weekend we went to one of our favorite events of the summer... Hot August Nights, this is a concert on Lake Oswego- the band this year was "The Beat Niks" they were great! The thing that makes this concert extra fun is that you have to be on a boat to get to the concert. Hundreds of boats tie up for hours! My obsession this year was these adorable Solo mini's... Ugh! Aren't they super cute? We had such a great night. I hope you had a wonderful weekend too! 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Date Night

Date night with my sweet Husband. We had dinner at our favorite sushi place. Yummy! Jason loves driving his Jeep on hot summer nights... This Jeep only comes out of the garage during Summertime. Crazy guy! I wear my hair up when we drive in the Jeep, otherwise it would be a crazy mess. I didn't really mind... Love spending time with this guy! Thank you Shoemint for my awesome snake sandals! I love them... Enjoy your weekend. TGIF! 

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Running errands today... I love Target! I found these Mossimo overall shorts awhile ago and I love them. I bought the fall "long" overalls today. So excited! I also saw this cute camo/leaf jacket- I already have one from last year but I thought this was adorable if someone was needing and couldn't find one the end of last year... Fall is coming! Thanks Target. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Favorite Finds

Today... These are three of my favorite purchases from the Nordstrom Sale! I can't wait to show you how I style them! Happy Wednesday... 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Fair Time

August means... it's Fair and Rodeo time! I love our County Fair. As a child I had horses and showed them in the our local fairs, the Clackamas County Fair was the biggest before State. Such great childhood memories. Don't miss out- find your local Fair/Rodeo and go! Above is what I plan on wearing! I'm obsessed with overall shorts. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Cherry Pie

I love pies... They remind me of my childhood. My mom is an amazing pie baker. She learned from the best... My Grandmother! I have fond memories of my mom entertaining and hosting dinner parties, she made special desserts and the most common was a pie. When I saw this Cherry Pie table at New Seasons, my heart filled with love and I had a smile on my face. I've also included this great Cherry Pie recipe and my favorite "happy" baking spoon. Do something nice for someone... Bake a Cherry Pie!  

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