Thursday, July 31, 2014


The stables, airplanes and the sunny pool what a great way to spend our day. A bunch of Jason's family came into town yesterday to vacation with us. All the cousins are excited to be together. We had a yummy dinner at the SunRiver Lodge. What a FUN day!! Rafting today... Enjoy your Thursday!! 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bike Riders

Ellie and her best friend Taylor are loving riding their bikes around Bend/SunRiver. What an amazing week we have had so far. Keep making wonderful summer memories girls... Happy Wednesday! 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Paddle Boarding

The girls and I went Paddle Boarding on the Deschutes River in Bend. We had such a great time. I totally fell in- oops! I was the only one who lost her balance. I was looking backwards at Ellie and fell over. The girls got a good laugh. The water was so COLD! Still having fun vacationing- more pictures to come... Follow on Instagram for more details! Happy Tuesday...

Monday, July 28, 2014

Farmers Market

We are in Bend, Oregon for the weekend to visit Grandma and Grandpa! Went to the Farmer's Market with my nieces and Ellie and Taylor (Ellie's friend). I loved this adorable tomato truck. We shopped, listened to music, my little nieces went to a petting zoo while the older girls danced at the Sunny Yoga Kitchen! Thanks Northwest Crossing for such a FUN Saturday! 

Friday, July 25, 2014

Pineapple Love

I'm in love with everything pineapple! 
Have a wonderful weekend... We are traveling... Stay tuned!  
Pineapple Love by johnstonstyle featuring a retro lamp

Black ring

Retro lamp
$33 -

Pineapple cookie cutter

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Roof Top

Downtown Portland! Summertime is so fun in PDX. We watched the sun go down on the top of a building. My Nephew just moved to Portland and he was showing us his "new" business location. I have to say pretty nice... In the pearl district. He had roof top access. How much fun did we have up there? 
I love warm summer evening! Come shop and eat in Portland this summer. Enjoy your Thursday...

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Anniversary Beauty

These are some of my favorite picks from the Nordstroms Anniversary sale. I've been having such a great time shopping for shoes, jewelry and clothes I almost forgot to shop for my favorite... Beauty! Hurry- some items are limited supply! Happy Tuesday! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

State Baseball

Evan's baseball team ended up 4th in State! We are so proud of him... He had an amazing season and a wonderful team. He learned so much from his coaching staff. I can't believe he is no longer a "Junior" Baseball Player... He moves up to Highschool Baseball next year. When did this happen? I feel like he just finished T-ball. Congratulations Evan! 
The best is yet to come... 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Nordstrom Sale

Start shopping! Today is the first day of Nordstrom's Anniversary Sale! I'm not ready for Summer to be over, but I love picking out Fall clothes and accessories!  
I always am excited to shop this sale. These are a few of my favorite picks! I'm loving Burgundy, Gold and Black for Fall.  
Happy Friday! 

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Summertime is such a fun time to mix colors and patterns. I love my new peplum top. I'm getting ready to head to Evan's first State Baseball game. Good Luck Evan! Enjoy your Summer day! Thanks for reading... 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Beach Bag

I love summertime and I love relaxing at the pool or going to the beach! I always have a "beach bag" ready and these are a few things I carry in my bag. Plan something fun for this weekend! Get your bag ready! Happy Summer. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Dance Camp

I am super proud of this sweet girl! Ellie just returned from Thunderbird Dance Camp. They go away and stay in College dorms for a week. They are nonstop dancing, team building, dance workshops. They have a performance at the end of the week to showcase what they have learned. Ellie rocked it! I'm so proud she took all advanced classes this year it was a major challenge, she really pushed herself. Great memories and a ton of FUN! Happy to have you home... I love my dancer! 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Summer Braid

With the warm weather we are having, I love to wear my hair up. I especially love braids this summer. This braid I created before I went to one of Evan's baseball game. I braided it into two braids, then crossed and tucked. Super easy and cool. Try something new... Get creative, tell me how you braid? Happy Summer! 


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